Meeting documents

SCC Scrutiny for Policies, Children and Families Committee
Friday, 19th October, 2018 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Scrutiny for Policies, Children and Families Committee, Friday 19th October 2018 10.00 am (Item 12.)

To consider and comment on this report.


The Committee considered this report about how the Young Carers Service might be delivered differently in the future, following the proposals that were initially part of a Cabinet report last September but were then withdrawn. The Committee also considered an update provided on the Action Plan for the service, that had been drawn up following the Committee’s task and finish review in 2017.


It was noted that much excellent work continued to be done by the service and this had included a teacher training event focused on what schools could to identify and support young carers and a consultation event with young carers. Members also welcomed that the annual summer respite programme had in 2018 provided 342 individual breaks for young carers and this represented a 16% increase on the 2017 programme.


It was reported that the service delivered fortnightly respite group session and there were 10 groups across Somerset and there were also quarterly meetings of the young carers forum. Looking ahead it was noted that the Government was due to publish a green paper in the Autumn and it was thought this would focus on measures to improve the identification of young carers and assessments of their need to identify levels of care. It was hoped in Somerset that the ongoing and planned work the Council undertook with a variety of partners would ensure that more young carers were identified, valued and supported.


Members attention turned to the September meeting of the Cabinet when the Cabinet had agreed to withdraw the savings proposals in relation to Young Carers (CAF - 20) of £200k. It was explained that this decision would be reconsidered by the Cabinet next February and in the meantime additional consultation would be undertaken.


It was reported that engagement events with young carers were arranged to take place over the forthcoming half term (last week in Oct) and that officers in commissioning and participation teams would work alongside colleagues in children’s operations to explore opportunities for optimising young carer participation and outcomes and optimising the value proposition.


A key area of focus would be to draw on the Adults experience of involving the voluntary sector to ensure the Council would be able to utilise additional resources and funding streams to deliver local solutions. It was stated in response to a question that an 8-week consultation period had been suggested, in the  form of an online survey, and this would open on 13 November.


It was stated that commissioners had attended the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) strategic forum earlier in the month and had further sessions planned to explore viable/sustainable options for future services and support offers for Somerset’s young carers. It was also noted they were keen to know what young people valued and wanted to be able to access before any design took place. It was confirmed in response to a question that the outcomes and feedback gained from the consultation/engagement would be available as part of any future service redesign.


The Committee requested that an update report be provided at the December meeting.

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